In memory of Daniel Charles Coates
In memory of Daniel Charles Coates
16.03.1979 – 31.01.2020
Daniel, together with Rebecca Parry, established Parry Coates Family Law in February 2016.
Daniel held a Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Psychology and Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice. Through Daniel’s law studies, he was invited to join the Golden Key International Honours Society in recognition of his scholastic achievement and excellence in law study, being in the top 15% of all graduates.
Daniel began his career working at Legal Aid Queensland and obtained a significant amount of experience as a solicitor advocate in the Family Court, Federal Circuit Court, Children’s and various Magistrates Courts throughout south east Queensland.
Once Daniel was admitted he chose to specialise in family law as he believed that a different direction did not always have to result in the animosity that we so often hear about in matters of family law.
Daniel had a strong sense of community justice and believed that all family law clients should have access to quality legal advice. Daniel volunteered his time for many years at the Nundah Legal Clinic and was on the management committee of the Nundah Neighbourhood Centre & Community Legal Service. Daniel was also a committee member on the Queensland Law Society’s Access to Justice/Pro Bono Law Committee during his career.
One of Daniel’s friends and colleague said that Daniel “was a fierce advocate for his clients, yet he was always able to distil the issues that actually needed resolution”. He was “a skilled mediator and negotiator” and he further says that Daniel “epitomised the very best qualities of a family lawyer”.
Parry Coates Family Law solicitors and staff pride themselves on and continue to practice in the manner and values that Daniel was so passionate about.
He was a loving partner, father, son, brother, friend and colleague. Forever 40 and forever missed.